Shiva Shakti by Shachi Srivastava
Shiva Shakti
Story Behind:
Shiv Shakti is a representation of Ardhanarishwar from Hindu Mythology. The request for this painting was to create a mysterious Ardhanarishwar representation.
Ardhanareeshvara; (Sanskrit: “Lord Who Is Half Woman”) is a composite male-female figure of the Hindu god Shiva together with his consort Devi Parvati.
The symbolic intent of the figure, according to most authorities, is to signify that the male and female principles are inseparable. A predecessor of Ardhanarishvara appears in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, which states that the first creature “was of the same size and kind as a man and woman closely embracing. He caused himself to fall into two pieces, and from him a husband and wife were born.” A popular explanation of the Shaivite form of this figure, as given in a collection of legends known as the Shiva-purana, is that the god Brahma created male beings and instructed them in turn to create others, but they were unable to do so. When Shiva appeared before him in an androgynous form, Brahma realized his omission and created females. (Ref:
This painting now adorns the Work location of the client.
Original Handmade Artwork by the Artist. Please refrain from any kinds of Plagiarism.